Gnats are tiny flying insects. There are several species of gnats that are thriving and they belong to the suborder of Nematocera and the family of Mycetophilidae, Anisopodidae, and Sciaridae.
Gnats can be both biting and non-biting depending on their species. However, no matter whether gnats bite or not they are very annoying to humans.
They often fly in large populations called the gnat cloud. The gnat cloud is a thick cloud of flying mature gnats in the air. Follow our guidelines to get a comprehensive understanding of how to use candles to get rid of gnats.
Can candles get rid of gnats?
Scented Candles can get rid of gnats. For instance, candles with the smell of citronella, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, vanilla, and basil can repel the gnats. The non-scented candles also can be used to make traps for gnats. However, the traps are only effective during the night.
Gnats have a very sensitive sense of smell and they use it mainly to navigate. Because of their sensitive sense of smell, scented candles can be used to deter them.
It is evident that there are several smells gnats dislike such as citronella, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, vanilla, and basil.
Gnats are usually attracted to moisture. Hence, you will most likely see gnats inside your house during the summer months.
In a household, gnats are typically attracted to fresh flowers, houseplants, food spillage, unsealed produce, and open or overflowing garbage cans. Therefore, you will most likely encounter infestations of gnats in your kitchen.
You can easily make scented candles in your home. To make scented candles, at home you need to use 80%soy wax and 20% beeswax. In the first step, you need to melt both soy wax and beeswax together and mix them well.
In the next step, you need to add fragrances such as citronella, peppermint, eucalyptus, and lemon oil into the melted wax and mix them uniformly. Then pour the melted wax into a candle tin and wait to solidify.
The Lightening of these scented candles can produce a pungent aroma in your kitchen while burning. The smell will repel gnats away from your home.
Another way of getting rid of gnats using candles is preparing classic candle traps. To make a candle trap for gnats, place the candle in a candle holder and keep it in a tray or bowl partially filled with water.
In the evening turn on the candle and place that trap in a dark place. The candlelight will attract the gnats. The gnats will either burn or fall in the water as soon as they come nearby the flame of the candle trap.
What candles get rid of gnats?
There are many scented candles that can get rid of gnats from your home. Tall unscented candles also can be used to make traps for gnats.
Citronella candles:
When it comes to the candle-based method to get rid of gnats, the first choice is citronella scented candles. Like mosquitoes, most species of gnats also dislike the smell of citronella.
Eucalyptus candles:
The gnats also dislike the lemony smells of eucalyptus. Hence, candles with the smell of eucalyptus also can be used to get rid of gnats.
Vanilla candle:
Gnats strongly dislike the smell of vanilla. Thus, you can use vanilla candles inside your home to get rid of gnats.
Peppermint Grove Candles:
Most species of gnats dislike the smell of peppermint. Thus, peppermint grove candles are always a good choice to get rid of gnats.
Lemon-scented Candles:
One of the most common candles used to get rid of gnats is lemon-scented candles. It is very easy to prepare in your home.
Tall conventional candles:
To make a classic candle trap for gnats, it is recommended to use a tall candle to make the trap.
How to use candles to get rid of gnats?
There are basically two ways of using candles to get rid of gnats. Firstly, scented candles can be used to repel gnats. And secondly, candles also can be used to make candle traps for gnats.
Place them outside:
Scented candles are effective for outdoor parties, barbecue cookouts, weddings, indoor settings, gardens, and patios. Light a few scented candles and keep them on your porch, garden, or patios.
But try to keep the candles away from materials that can get fire easily such as curtains, bushes, etc.
Use luminaries:
Another way of using candles to get rid of gnats is using luminaries. You can easily make luminaries by using a few slices of lemons, some essential oil, and water.
In the first step take a mason jar and fill it with a few slices of lemon, a few drops of essential oil like eucalyptus oil, and water. Place a candle on the top of mason jars floating on the water.
As the candle will burn, it will release a slight smell of the essential oils and keep the gnats away. You can use candles with luminaries for both inside and outside of your house.
Place them in the kitchen:
The kitchen is one of the most common places for the infestation of gnats. You can use scented candles in your kitchen to get rid of gnats.
Light a few scented candles and keep them in your kitchen. Try to keep the candles near the waste bin and sink. The candles will produce an aroma that will get rid of gnats from your kitchen.
You can also keep the scented candles near the entrance point of your home or kitchen. It will prevent the gnats to come inside your house.
Place them in the garden:
If your home has any indoor gardens, the fungus gnats will most likely be attracted to it. Because the fungus gnats tend to lay their eggs on the moist soil.
You can use scented candles throughout your garden to get rid of fungus gnats, especially near the house plants and potting soil.
Make candle trap:
You can also make a classic candle trap to get rid of gnats. To do this, you need to light a regular candle and keep it on a shallow pot that is partially filled with water.
The trap will attract the gnats but they will burn and drop into the water as soon as they come near the candle flame.
Five other tips to get rid of gnats inside the house:
In addition to the candle-based method, there are several other effective ways to get rid of gnats from your home. The other ways to get rid of gnats are given below,
Vinegar Trap:
One of the most popular traps to get rid of gnats is the vinegar trap. It is very popular because it is very easy to make and cost-effective.
Take a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, a few drops of liquid dish soap, and a teaspoon of sugar in a bowl and stir it until the sugar is completely dissolved.
Place the bowl in the room where the infestation of gnats is high. Gnats will be attracted to the vinegar and sugar but the dish soap will trap the gnats and eventually cause them to drown.
If you do not have apple cider vinegar, you can use red wine and dish soap to make a similar trap.
Fruit trap:
A fruit trap is also an effective way to get rid of gnats. You can keep overripe fruits in a jar that is covered by plastic wrap. Keep a few small holes in the plastic wrap.
The gnats will be attracted to the overripe fruits and enter the jar through the holes in the plastic wrap. But they will not find a way out.
Spray Insecticide or Repellent:
The spray method is an effective method to get rid of a small population of gnats. Try to spray insecticide-like neem oil throughout the infested area to get rid of gnats.
There are several smells gnats dislike such as citronella, eucalyptus, lemon, vanilla, etc. You can simply mix the fragrance oil of these materials with water and a few drops of dish soap to make a repellent spray.
Spraying the preparation throughout the infested area will get rid of gnats.
Bleach your drain:
The kitchen is the most susceptible place for the infestation of gnats in your home.
If you find an infestation of gnats near the sink or drain, you can pour bleach into your kitchen drainage. The bleach will get rid of gnats from your kitchen.
If you do not have any bleach in your home, you can use hot water instead of bleach to clean your drainage system.
Use Flypaper:
Flypaper is a sticky ribbon that can trap gnats and other insects as well. Use flypaper near the infestation to trap the gnats in your home.
Final Thought:
Gnats can be eradicated with scented candles. For example, Candles scented with citronella, peppermint, eucalyptus, lemon, vanilla, and basil can repel gnats. Regular candles can also be used to build traps for gnats. The traps, however, are only effective at night.