Can Pipe Dope Be Used on PVC? (All You Need to Know)
Pipe dope is one of the most widely used lubricants in the plumbing sector. It is also applied as a sealant on pipes. The components of pipe dope make connections easy and long lasting. However, it is not equally effective on all kinds of pipes.
Today, we are going to discuss and find out whether one can use pipe dope on pvc pipes or not.
Pipe dope to be used on pvc
It is believed by experts that pipe dope possesses the required capabilities to be used on pvc fittings and threads. Pipe dope can make pvc fittings and threads air tight and water leakproof. Pipe dope does the job of lubrication inside pvc fittings and threads too.

PVC fittings and threads need to be sealed using various glues and sealants. But all kinds of glues and sealants do not work well on pvc pipes. That is why you will need to choose the best possible sealant for your pvc fittings and threads.
There are many benefits of using a good sealant while attaching the pvc fittings and threads.
There are many capable sealants available in the market. Pipe dope is one of those sealants. It comes in the form of a glue mostly. The pipe dope can be applied on pvc fittings and threads using brushes and fingers. It holds well on the surface of pvc material due to their compatibility.
Pipe dope is really good at making pvc fittings and threads air tight and water tight. So it is no surprise that many experts all over the world approve the use of pipe dope when it comes to pvc fittings and threads.
But you will need to clean the pvc fittings and threads thoroughly so that the pipe dope can settle down easily on it.
Multiple coating of pipe dope might be necessary to fix the gap between the fittings and threads. Pipe dope also provides the necessary lubrication for pvc fittings and threads. Lubrication is required in order to minimize the friction between the pvc fittings and threads.
It has been noted that pvc fittings and threads assembled using pipe dope have been more durable compared to other sealants and glues. Pipe dope is a great choice for pvc fittings and threads.
What happens when you use pipe dope on pvc?
There are a lot of things that can happen when you use pipe dope on pvc fittings and pipes. Let’s discuss in detail about some of them.
It will seal the fittings and threads:
The main purpose of pipe dope is to work as a sealant between different pipe fittings and threaded pipes. Pipe dope is very effective when it is used on pvc pipe fittings and threads. You can even apply the pipe dope onto the pvc fittings and threads using your fingers only.
The pipe dope does not work as a glue on pvc fittings and threads. Instead it does much more than that. It will stop any air from getting into the pvc pipe fittings and threads.
Additionally, pipe dope will also prevent the water from leaking out of the pvc pipe fittings and threads.
It will lubricate the fittings and threads:
The effectiveness of pipe dope does not stop at only sealing the pvc pipe fittings and threads. It even possesses the ability to lubricate the pvc pipe fittings and threads. Lubrication is an important factor when it comes to connecting multiple threads and fittings.
Lubrication can go a long way in ensuring the success of the pvc pipe fittings and threads’ installation process.
Disassembling will be easy:
Due to the high quality of pipe dope as a sealant and a lubricant, it will be easier to disassemble the pvc pipe fittings and threads even after installation.
The important thing to remember here is that the lubrication factor of pipe dope is mainly responsible for the effective disassembling of pvc pipe fittings and threads.
You would not want to use a sealant or a lubricant that makes disassembling fittings and threads harder than required.
Another thing that can happen when you use pipe dope on pvc fittings and threads is that you will get durable connections between them that will last for a long time.
The importance of pipe dope on pvc fittings and threads is unmatched if you think about the long term consequences.
Can result in cracks:
Using pipe dope on pvc pipe fittings and threads can also result in cracks. It can happen due to an inaccurate application process. If the pipe dope is not applied on pvc pipe fittings and threads properly, then there will be visible cracks at the end of the process.
These cracks will pave the way for water leakage upon installation.
What’s better Teflon tape or pipe dope for pvc?
Both teflon tape and pipe dope are potent lubricants and sealants. It is very difficult to choose one of them if you take their effectiveness into account. However, some things can be taken into account to find out which one is better for pvc.
First of all, pipe dope is a paste form of sealant. On the other hand, teflon tape comes in the form of a tape. It is easier to use teflon tape on the pvc pipe fittings and threads.
But it is believed by some experts that pipe dope is more durable than teflon tape on pvc pipe fittings and threads. You will need to put pipe dope on pvc pipe fittings and threads using a brush or your fingers.
Pipe dope is great at lubricating and sealing the pvc pipe fittings and threads. So teflon tape can be a good choice for pvc pipe fittings and threads. But pipe dope is the better one as it is more durable and effective.
What is the best sealant for PVC pipe?
There are many sealants available in the market for pipe fittings and threads. But those sealants do not work equally well on every type of pipe. Some sealants work better on certain kinds of pipe. PVC pipes are a good choice for the plumbing purpose of your house and office.
Teflon tape, PTFE tape and pipe dope can be used for pvc pipe. Pipe dope can be said as the best sealant for PVC after evaluating all the pros and cons. First of all, pipe dope is very affordable as a sealant. It is also easily applicable using only a brush or fingers.
Pipe dope can be a potent lubricant for PVC pipes too. All in all, pipe dope brings many benefits to the table while being used as a sealant on PVC pipe fittings and threads.
How do you get pipe dope out of PVC threads?
Getting pipe dope out of PVC threads might seem like a difficult task if you have no prior experience regarding the matter. However, there are some steps and methods you can follow to accomplish the task. Let’s discuss in detail about some of them.
Remove the PVC fittings and threads:
First of all, you will need to remove the pvc fittings and threads you wish to get pipe dope out of. It is an easy process if you have the right tools at hand. You will have to use a pipe wrench to remove the concerned pvc fittings and threads from the joint.
You will have to be careful about not putting too much force into removing the PVC fittings and threads to avoid damage.
Use a cloth:
In the next step, you will be required to use a cloth to remove pipe dope out of pvc fittings and threads. You will need to rub on the pipe dope clockwise with the cloth to make it come out of the pvc fittings and threads.
It is a proven method of removing pipe dope from pvc threads and fittings.
Use a wire brush:
If you do not feel like using a cloth and want to use something more solid, then you can go for the wire brush to get pipe dope out of the pvc fittings and threads. Pipe dope can not withstand the force of wire brush once it is rubbed on the pipe dope spot.
Apply nail polish remover:
Another way of getting pipe dope out of pvc fittings and threads is by applying nail polish remover. It is a fairly straightforward process. You will need to pour nail polish remover on the pipe dope directly and give the nail polish remover some time to cause a reaction.
You will be able to get rid of the pipe dope using a cloth or a wire brush after it has weakened due to the effects of nail polish remover.
Final Thoughts
Pipe dope belongs to the category of sealants that is perfect for pvc pipes. Pipe dope needs to be applied cautiously. Otherwise, inaccurate application will result in cracks and holes on the pipes. Pipe dope is also able to lubricate pvc pipes and makes the disassembling process easy.