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Can You Put Cold Pyrex in the Oven? (Read This First!)

The oven is not just easy to use but also saves time. Do you want to warm something? In the oven, warming will take only a few minutes. If you want to bake something, the oven will do that easier for you. No need to bake on the stove.

Even if you are lazy, you can warm foods just by using the oven.

Pyrex-made bowls are used in the oven mostly. By following our tips regarding Pyrex in the oven, you may get the answer of if one can put a cold Pyrex in the oven.

Can you put cold Pyrex in the oven?

One should not put cold Pyrex in the oven at the time when the oven is hot. Oven actually supports Pyrex-made bowls. You can put Pyrex in the oven even when it is cold or directly from the fridge unless the oven is heated. In that case, the oven will normalize the temperature of the Pyrex.

Pyrex glassware works on the oven perfectly. Mostly, Pyrex glassware is used in the oven to bake or warm foods. There is a general formula that if you suddenly put a cold material near or in a hot material, the cold material will shrink.

The same goes for hot ovens and cold Pyrex. Well, at first, the oven gets heated to a certain point. One can even call it warming up. You can put the cold Pyrex directly from the fridge to the oven at that time.

If the oven is already hot, you should wait a bit to normalize the temperature of the Pyrex. Eventually, no one starts the oven before putting the Pyrex. That’s what normally one should do.

What happens if you put cold pyrex glass in the oven?

If you put a cold pyrex glass in the oven, there will be no harm unless the oven is highly heated. The temperature difference between the cold Pyrex and the oven is the factor here. Sudden heat change may have an impact on Pyrex.

Well, it is a common rule for every material that you can not move the material to direct heat when it is cold or direct at cold temperature when it is heated at high temperature. Otherwise, the material can not take the sudden change and result in shrinking or breaking.

When one puts a pyrex from cold to hot of a sudden, the Pyrex may break. Well, you should wait a bit, and while warming up the oven, you can put the Pyrex. As a result, the pyrex temperature will be normalized. Otherwise, the Pyrex may create cracks on it.

Cold pyrex dish in the microwave:

A cold pyrex dish can be put in the microwave unless the microwave is preheated. A cold pyrex can be put in the microwave, and then you can start the micro-oven. Though, it is not supported as every oven is not the same.

Some may stabilize the temperature, and some may not.

Cold Pyrex in a preheated or hot one:

On the other hand, one should not put cold Pyrex in the preheated or hot one. The sudden change of temperature will damage the Pyrex. Even though Pyrex glassware is for ovens, putting cold Pyrex in the hot oven is not suggested.

Frozen Pyrex in the oven:

The same goes for frozen Pyrex in the oven. Frozen Pyrex has the lowest temperature. And in the oven, it will be directed to direct heat. This may result in the breaking of Pyrex. Half cold or slight cold Pyrex can tolerate the sudden change of heart.

But frozen Pyrex will have to face a great temperature change.

Frozen Pyrex can not tolerate the sudden change of heart. That’s why frozen Pyrex should not be put in the oven. Yet a slightly cold pyrex is allowed to be put in the oven.

Why did my pyrex dish break in the oven?

Pyrex dishes are mostly recommended for use in the oven. Well, even pyrex dishes go well with the oven. Yet, pyrex dishes may break due to the lack of consciousness.

Improper placement:

Improper placement of the Pyrex in the oven may cause a break or crack in it. Always put the Pyrex on the racks. Instead of subjecting it to direct heat. Direct heat is not good for any material.

Sudden heat change:

Pyrex dishes can not tolerate a sudden change of heat. If you put frozen Pyrex in the oven, the Pyrex will instantly blow off. Well, it is not even uncommon. Placing the Pyrex from cold to hot will make it expand. At some point, it will break due to high heat.


If your Pyrex already had cracks before, you better not use it. As the Pyrex expands at a high temperature, the cracks will get bigger. In the end, break or blow out.

Dry stuff:

Pyrex or any glassware should not be put in the oven with dry foodstuff. One should at least use slight water in the food or brush oil. Or else the result will be disastrous.

Soap or adhesives:

Pyrex is not suitable for washing with soap or detergent. You should not use them while cleaning the pyrex glass. Instead, clean it with water and may use a scrub. Otherwise, the Pyrex becomes too dry and sticky.

That makes the heat absorption easier and, when put on the oven, may create cracks.

At what temperature does Pyrex crack?

Well, an upper than 400 degrees Fahrenheit temperature may create cracks on the Pyrex. Though, if it is not subjected to direct heat, it may not break at 400; instead may be able to tolerate heat up to 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

Pyrex is sensitive to heat. When the heat is increased, it refers to a change in temperature to the high points. When Pyrex is directed to heat, it expands. If the heat keeps on increasing, that will create cracks in the pot.

That’s why the temperature range should be between 400 to 450 depending on the location and time.

Heating for a long time may also create cracks. At the same time, if it is at a high temperature, any accident can happen. One can put the Pyrex at a lower temperature than 400 degrees Fahrenheit.

Not just that, a pyrex can go from lower to higher heat. Like, if you are keeping the temperature at 325 degrees Fahrenheit and putting the Pyrex in the oven. Later increasing the temperature to 400. Still, it will work as the oven was already heated.

Well, you can adjust the time with the temperature. That’s why it is better to put the material like Pyrex at low temperature for a bit longer as high heat affects materials. Yet, 450 or 500 degrees Fahrenheit is not good for Pyrex.

See the range of temperature at which the Pyrex can be put. Otherwise, from cracking to the blowing of Pyrex, anything can happen.

How do you use Pyrex safely in the oven?

Pyrex is known as safe dishware for ovens. Yet many accidents may happen because of the misuse of Pyrex or carelessness. There are some tips regarding Pyrex given below to ensure safe use.

Keeping the temperature lower in the oven:

The temperature in the oven should not be more than 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Otherwise, higher temperatures may create cracks or melt the Pyrex when the Pyrex is directly subjected to heat.

Use oil or water:

Before putting the Pyrex in the oven, use water on the foodstuff or oil. Well, more precisely to say, do not put dry foods directly on the oven through Pyrex. Instead, use wet products or make them wet.

Do not wash with soap:

After using the pyrex dish, do not wash it with any detergent or soap. Instead, clean it with water or rub it. But using adhesives will affect the material. Using a scrubber may do good unless it is in contact with soap.

Dangers to avoid when cooking with Pyrex:

  • Do not put frozen pyrex dishes in the oven.
  • No high heat should be provided while processing on Pyrex. The temperature should be below 400 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Do not wash the Pyrex with soaps or adhesives.
  • Do not use cracked Pyrex.
  • Avoid using old pyrex dishes.
  • Use wet products on Pyrex and move them to the oven.

Final thoughts:

Overall, Pyrex is not suitable for putting in a hot oven. Especially if the Pyrex is cold or frozen, even a slight cold pyrex may not be hampered in a hot oven. Yet, as the change of heat happens while placing in the oven, one should not take risks. Better normalize the temperature of the Pyrex.