Electrical panels are one of the essential things in our house. But where there is an electrical connection, an electrical panel is common.
So, from the living room to the bedroom, electrical connections will need electrical panels. But these panels have rules and regulations for installation.
So, you might be confused about whether you can put electrical panel in the bedroom or not. You must ensure the safety of installing an electrical panel in the bedroom. Moreover, knowing about the safe installation process is essential.
Otherwise, you might risk the setting of an electrical panel with other things in your bedroom. So, let’s see details about it.
Electrical panel in bedroom:
You can put an electrical panel in the bedroom. But all areas in the bedroom are not safe to put the panel. Some areas are prohibited by the National Electrical Code (NEC). But according to the codes, you can place an electrical panel behind the door swing in the bedroom.
However, you often get confused when putting an electrical panel in the bedroom. Because the bedroom is a private and sensitive area in our house. So, you must ensure the safety of your bedroom.
Sometimes, it becomes essential to put an electrical panel in the bedroom. But it would be best if you put it in the safe area. For example, you can’t put the panel in a random place in the bedroom that risks your day-to-day activities in the room.
For this, the National Electrical Code (NEC) has imposed codes prohibiting some areas. You can’t put an electrical panel in those areas. But these codes allow one place where you can put the panel.
For example, you can put an electrical panel behind the door swing. Moreover, while putting the electrical panel in the bedroom, you must ensure that you can find the panel in an emergency.
However, when you put the electrical panel in the bedroom, you must follow all the safety protocols and local rules. You can’t put the panel in some areas. For example, you can’t put the electrical panel where the panel can be physically damaged.
Moreover, you can’t attach the panel in the bathroom to the bedroom. Besides, you should not put the electrical panel near easily ignitable materials. Steps in the bedroom should also be avoided when putting an electrical panel in the room.
Avoid these places; you can put the panel in other places. The bedroom area that is not near any obstacle is the perfect place to put an electrical panel. So, you will find the panel easily in an emergency.
Is it safe?
Yes, the electrical panel is safe to be in the bedroom. Generally, you must follow the local authority code while putting in an electrical panel. No code says not to put the electrical panel in the bedroom.
But the local code prohibits some areas in the bedroom that you must avoid. Generally, you can put an electrical panel in the bedroom. But the panel should be in a safe and accessible place.
For example, behind the door swing is a perfect place to put an electrical panel in your bedroom.
Moreover, places with no obstacles can be suitable places for installing an electrical panel. But you must avoid some places that can be unsafe for the electrical panel.
Whether an electrical panel is safe depends on where you are putting it. For example, setting the electrical panel in the bathroom attached to the bedroom will be unsafe. Because electrical should not be near a water source.
Moreover, your closet can be the wrong place. So, you should not keep the electrical panel near a closet.
On the other hand, some areas might cause physical damage to the electrical panel. So, all the places in the bedroom are not safe to put electrical panels.
Code for the electrical panel in the bedroom:
While putting an electrical panel in the bedroom, some codes are available that you must follow. Generally, these codes are imposed by the local electrical authority. So, if you want an electrical panel in the bedroom, you should follow the code.
This code is called NEC code or National Electrical Code. According to this code, the electrical panel must have a clearance of 36 inches in front. Moreover, each side should have 30 inches of clearance. Besides, the working area should have a 6 feet 5 inches clearance.
While moving an electrical panel to the bedroom or from the bedroom, you will need a permit. To have this permit, you must contact the local authority.
When you know the code for putting an electrical panel in the bedroom, you must maintain that minimum distance. You can keep the clearance according to the code. Moreover, you must not put other things between the clearances.
If you put other things between the clearances of the electrical panel, it can be unsafe. Moreover, if you don’t get the permit to put the panel in the bedroom, you must not put it in the bedroom.
Disobeying the NEC code and putting the electrical panel without a permit will be illegal. So, if you follow the codes, putting an electrical panel in the bedroom is entirely safe.
How far away should you sleep from an electrical panel?
While putting an electrical panel in the bedroom, you must follow the code of NEC. This code will let you know how far you should sleep from an electrical panel.
Generally, when you put an electrical panel, you must keep clearance from the other furniture and elements in the bedroom.
Moreover, the electrical panel should keep at least 3.3 feet from the sleeping place. You must sleep keeping a distance because electrical panels produce radiation. This radiation will not harm you instantly.
But if you stay near the radiation for a long time, this might harm you. For example, if you stay near the radiation continuously, the radiation can affect you over time. You might develop some symptoms like headache, fatigue, etc.
So, keeping the electrical panel away from the sleeping place is recommended. At least 3.3 feet is a must between the sleeping area and the electrical panel.
Electrical panel in bedroom closet:
You should never put an electrical panel in the bedroom closet. It is highly prohibited to put an electrical panel in a bedroom closet or near a closet.
Because according to National Electrical Code (NEC), you should not put an electrical panel near an ignitable material like a closet.
As per the National Electrical Code section 240.24D, the electrical panel should not be near flammable materials. A closet is full of clothes are flammable materials. So, it is unsafe to put an electrical panel in the bedroom or near the closet.
Where to place and how to hide an electrical panel in a bedroom?
Now that you know, the electrical panel should not be placed anywhere. If you want to put an electrical panel in a bedroom, you must select a suitable place. So, let’s see where you can place an electrical panel and how you can hide an electrical panel in a bedroom.
Behind a door swing:
Behind the door swing, one of the best places to place and hide an electrical panel. If you put the panel behind the door, it will be safe from other issues. Moreover, the panel will be hidden.
Behind a mirror:
Sometimes, the electrical panel in the bedroom can look awkward. So, if you can cover it with a mirror, the electrical panel will be hidden. Moreover, the mirror will make the area look nice.
But you have to ensure that the mirror is lightweight and can be removable in an emergency. Otherwise, a heavy mirror will be challenging to move from the electrical panel.
Electrical panel cover:
You can also use an electrical panel cover over an electrical panel. For example, chalkboard cover, fuse box cover, etc., are available. You can use these covers for the panel. But must ensure that the covers are not made from flammable materials.
DIY covers:
You can make DIY covers for the electrical panel. For example, you can attach an antique window over the panel. Moreover, a safe material poster and covers will make the area look good and hide the panel.
Final Thoughts
You can put an electrical panel in the bedroom but a safe area. Generally, when you place an electrical panel in the bedroom, you must follow the local authority’s electrical codes. These codes will allow suitable areas in the bedroom and prohibit some areas from putting the panel.