A shower is an important part of any home. It is a must in any residential home. Some commercial spaces these days also come with a shower.
You may ask if you can put a shower in front of a window. Let us provide the answer you are looking for and give you some additional information regarding the matter.
Putting a shower in front of a window
You can put a shower in front of a window. Putting a shower in front of a window is not something out of the ordinary rather than it is normal to have one. It helps in ventilation and ensures proper lighting in the shower area for the person who will be using the shower for various purposes.
A shower is a private place for any person to bathe and refresh after long days of work. But depending on where the shower is set in your house, the shower area may be dark sometimes. It can also be hot inside the shower due to lack of ventilation or for the hot water you may use.
For these reasons, ventilation is a must in the shower area. This can be done in many ways. But one of the key ways to do it is by putting a window in front of the shower. Although putting a shower in front of a shower was not that common and favored once, it is becoming a common and easy way to keep your shower area well ventilated.
Putting a shower in front of the window is not a simple task. It requires calculation of where it can be put in your shower. You would also need to ensure personal safety and privacy at the same time. But if you do everything properly, you may place a shower in front of a window.
But there are some restrictions in some cases when you put a shower in front of a window. You need to consider the location of the bathroom when you are putting a window in a shower. Due to the building code this related work, you need to maintain some criteria in order to ensure that you can put a shower in front of a window.
How far can a shower be from a window?
Depending on the position of the window, a shower can be 60 inches far from a window. The window near a shower can be in different places depending on the building structure and design. It is commonly seen that the window is usually situated at the top of the shower floor. It can be found on the ceiling or on the wall beside the shower.
The distance between the shower and the window depends on many things. At first, the location of the window is a crucial factor. If the location of the window is at the top of the shower floor at the wall beside it, the shower will be 55 – 60 inches from the ground.
When setting a shower from a window, this is the most usual place to put it. Although there are new spots that are recommended by architects, this is the most usual and common place where people usually set the window.
If you want to set the shower from the window at the body level, then the shower needs to be 25 – 35 inches from the shower. But this is considered to be a bad design if your bathroom is at the lower levels of your house or building. It may cause privacy issues. But it can be a viable spot for high rise apartment bathrooms.
What is the code for a window in a shower?
The code for a window in a shower is the following R308.4.5 and R308.6.2. When you are building a house, there are some codes you need to maintain to make the house properly within the right standards. These are called international residential codes. In short form, they are known as IRC.
According to IRC, there are some codes for making a window in a shower. The codes are known as R308.4.5 and R308.6.2. These are the short form of the code. These are essential codes for setting a window in a shower.
The R308.4.5 code says that the distance between the shower and the window has to be a minimum of 60 inches. This is the most important code that needs to be maintained. This is essential for the safety, privacy and convenience of the living person in the house.
Another one of the codes is R308.6.2 which says the glass of the window has to be tempered glass or anything similar to that quality. This is another crucial code for the safety of the user at home.
Things to consider while putting a shower in front of a window
There are multiple things that you will have to consider while you are putting a shower in front of a window. These considerations are based on regulations and the safety of the user who will use the shower. The things you would have to consider may vary depending on the bathroom location where you have your shower and want to set a window in it.
You may want to know the things that you would have to consider while putting a shower in front of a window. Let us provide you with some necessary considerations that you should consider while putting a shower in front of a window.
Distance between the shower and window:
The distance between the shower and window is essential. Usually, the distance has to be a minimum of 60 inches. This distance between the shower and window is crucial. This is an important fact that needs to be considered when thinking of putting a shower in front of the window.
This is not just a rule that is only for a certain region. This is a rule that is written in the International Residential Code (IRC). Therefore, maintaining this distance and deciding if you can set a window in front of the shower is crucial.
Location of the window in front of the shower:
The location of the window where it will be set in the shower is also crucial. You may set it at the side of the shower. But you would have to ensure the privacy of the user by using a privacy protection glass on the window.
Some houses have a window at the top of the shower. This is a common place to put a window in the shower. This costs less and can be used in high rise buildings.
Type of glass of the window:
The type of glass that you will be putting in the window in front of the shower is also important to consider. You would have to use tempered glass on the window at your shower. This is an important consideration as it is also included in the code of IRC.
How do you put a shower in front of a window?
There are multiple ways to put a shower in front of a window. But you may want to know the simplest way to do it. Here are the steps that you will have to follow in order to put a shower in front of a window without any hassle.
Choose the right spot for the window:
Before you put a shower in front of a window, you need to find the right spot for it. Find a spot that is either 60 inches away from the shower area or within 25 – 35 inches range for a small window.
Make the window frame and set the glass:
Make the window frame for the window. It is best to use aluminum for making the frame as the window will be inside the bathroom, which will be in contact with water all the time. After you make the frame, set the glass of the window properly.
Put the window frame in your chosen spot:
After making the window properly, set the window in the spot which you have chosen. Set the window on the wall properly with necessary support using screws. Ensure that there is a way for any leaking water to get out of the frame.
Use sealant and other necessary applications to set it properly:
Seal the whole window frame using a sealant. It will make the window waterproof. Therefore, no water will get in or get out. Ensure that you have properly sealed the whole window or it will cause damage to the wall that the window is set on.
Final Thoughts
You can put a shower in front of a window. Some may consider this as putting a window in front of a shower. If the shower of your bathroom has the minimum requirements of the IRC and if you can perform them as well, you can put a shower in front of the window without any hassle.