Concrete Thickness for Car Lift (Complete Guide)
To move a car or truck with a car lift, you’ll need to know their capacity for handling concrete thicknesses. Besides describing the different types of lifts and their maximum weight capacities, we will also explain the minimum concrete thickness they can work with.
As a result, you can decide which car lift is the best fit for your needs armed with this information.
Concrete thickness for car lift
Concrete for lifts should be at least four inches thick. Thicker concrete will be more resistant to weathering and will last longer. Over compacted gravel and earth, concrete slabs are usually poured. But more than 2 inches also can be used for car lift.

Concrete for car lifts needs to be at least 2 inches thick because they are designed to lift heavy objects (maximum weight capacity of 100-500 pounds).
A concrete thickness over 2 inches will not interfere with car lift operation but can add a few days to the installation process. The use of concrete less than one inch thick is not recommended for supporting cars or trucks.
For car lifts, concrete is typically poured in a spiral (called a helix) to make it stronger and more durable. For car lifts, the concrete thickness should not exceed 3 inches. Always check with your local building code authorities before using a car lift, whenever possible.
2 post lift:
Concrete should be at least four inches thick for a two-post lift. Since car lifts are designed to lift heavy objects (maximum weight capacity of 100-500 pounds), the concrete should be at least two inches thick.
Car lifts will not be affected by concrete thicknesses over 2 inches, but installation may take a few extra days.
4 post lift:
4-inch concrete thickness is also required for a 4-post lift. The thickness of concrete over 3 inches will not affect the operation of a car lift, but it may add a few extra days to the installation.
Is 4 inches of concrete enough for the garage floor car lift?
A 4-inch concrete slab is generally sufficient for a garage floor car lift to be installed.
There is a possibility, however, that you may need to increase the thickness of your slab if you are installing a heavier-duty car lift that requires a thicker substrate because it will require a thicker substrate.
Additionally, if you’re installing a car lift on an existing concrete floor, you need to verify that the slab thickness is compatible. You may need to add additional thickness to the lift to ensure that it performs properly if this is not the case.
It is important to note, though, that for most garages, a 4-inch concrete slab would be adequate for the installation of a car lift.
A 3-inch thickness may also be sufficient for car lifts installed in areas with low weight capacities, such as basements or garages located on the ground floor, where there is a limited weight capacity.
Is a 2 post or 4 post lift better?
To ensure stability, a 4-post lift is better because it has a wider base. There is also the benefit of being able to move it around more easily if necessary.
There is a possibility that a 2-post lift may require more space for installation, and it may also be less stable when moving around a garage or workshop.
However, it should be noted that a 2-post lift is likely to be cheaper and easier to use than a 4-post lift, and can be sufficient for smaller spaces. It is possible that you would benefit more from a 4-post lift if you are more experienced and you require more lifting power.
It is important to consider, however, that a four-post lift is the better choice for most applications. Despite this, a 2-post lift may still be a good option for smaller areas or budget reasons if you have limited space.
Moreover, a 2-post lift may be the only solution for installing a car lift in an area with a low load capacity (such as a garage that is on the ground level), due to the limited weight capacity of the area.
Concrete floor requirements for car lift
Moving vehicles with a car lift requires a concrete floor. A durable sealant must also be applied to the perimeter of the area where the car will be lifted, which should be at least 2 inches thick.
The engine or transmission of your vehicle will not be damaged by water or chemicals seeping into it. Concrete floor requirements for car lifts are as follows:
Concrete thickness should be at least 2 inches for car lift installation:
For adequate stability and safety, car lifts should be installed on concrete slabs that are at least 2 inches thick. Besides providing these benefits, concrete is also resistant to water, chemicals, and other contaminants.
The car lift area must have a durable sealant:
A durable sealant should be applied to the car lift area to prevent water or chemicals from seeping into the engine and transmission areas (and damaging them). This criterion can be met by several types of sealants, some of which are oil-based, while others are acid-based.
Concrete car lift installation must be done by a professional:
To ensure your vehicle’s safety and stability, only a trained and certified technician should install a car lift. Furthermore, car lift technicians are typically equipped with the necessary tools and equipment to ensure a smooth and safe installation.
Your floor must be level and stable:
The installation of your car lift must be level and stable to prevent accidents. The car lift will likely experience abnormal stress if your floor isn’t level or stable.
A smooth, even surface that is free of cracks, joints, and bumps:
Last but not least, the surface of the car lift installation must be smooth, level, and free of cracks and bumps. Whenever the concrete buckles or lifts (due to joint problems, for instance), this will put additional stress on the car lift and may eventually lead to failure.
How to pour concrete for a car lift?
When pouring concrete for a car lift, there are a few steps to follow. Identifying your base and lifting platform’s height is the first step. Mark the location of your hole in the ground after measuring it out. How to pour concrete for a car lift is as follows:
Find the center of the area you want to pour the concrete:
When pouring concrete, make sure to keep a slight slope as you pour from the center outward. In addition, keep the concrete level as you pour it. Using a trowel or shovel, smooth out any bumps and curves in the concrete after it has been poured.
Use a level to mark out the level of the concrete:
After leveling, troweling, and smoothing, complete the final steps by hand. Any leftover concrete can also be cleaned up with a power washer. After your car lift installation is complete, make sure to seal it with a layer of protection (such as epoxy).
Draw a grid on the surface and divide it into squares:
You will need to consider the type of car lift you are using when determining the thickness of a car lift platform. For commercially rated car lift platforms, the concrete should be between 1/4″ and 3/8″. A home lift (including a car lift) can have a concrete thickness of 1/2″ to 5″.
Use a trowel to smooth out the surface of the concrete:
Once your car lift installation is complete, seal it with a layer of protection (such as epoxy). For personal use car lifts (including those used in the backyard), sealing is not necessary.
Keep a watchful eye on the concrete as it sets so that it does not crack:
It usually takes 3 to 5 hours for car lift platforms to cure. A car lift installation should also be inspected for damages or flaws after the concrete has cured (usually within 72 hours).
For a car lift with thicknesses 1/2″ – 5″, expect installation to take between 6 and 12 hours, concrete curing to take 3 to 5 hours, and inspection to take 72 hours.
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, concrete thickness for car lifts should be at least 4 inches. Two-post lifts and four-post lifts should have a thickness of four inches. With a 4-inch lift, the vehicle is also more stable for people and equipment. Garage floor car lifts require 4 inches of concrete.