There was a time when people couldn’t think of their houses without attics. It was a sign of house beauty. But things have changed, and here comes the modern and sophisticated era. Wherever you see, you will find building after building with no attics.
Moreover, you might have rooftops in your houses, but that is not precisely the attic. Some differences are there between the attic and rooftops. The rooftop covers a building, whereas the attic is spacious storage.
Do all houses have attics?
All houses don’t have attics. It was a common feature of most old houses and homes. But, it’s no longer a modern house practice. You will find hardly any attics with the home rooftop since they use a different storeroom instead of having an attic. So, most modern houses don’t have attics.
Having an attic in a house is truly a good thing. You can use it for different purposes; in most cases, people use the attic for storage or a recreational room. Sometimes, you can decorate the attic as per your requirements and give it a nice look.
If you look at ten to fifteen years back, you will find that there is no single house built without an attic. However, time flies and people change their choices and come to the modern infrastructure. They now build their buildings with a rooftop, not an attic.
According to new design ideas, people love building designs without having an attic. Attic and modern housing designs don’t go with each other. That’s the main reason why most houses don’t have an attic.
Attic access:
Most of the houses with attics must have attic access. It gives access to the attic if the homes don’t have any staircase to go to the attic. Attic access is a big openable hole under the rooftop.
It will give you access to the storage option, and you can use it for regular storage. People sometimes make some staircases on the attic access. It helps them to open the attic and go to it.
Since most new and modern houses don’t have an attic, they also don’t have any attic access. If you have an attic, you should have attic access.
Attic fan:
When you have an attic in your house, you should have an attic fan. It’s an essential part of the attic space. It allows the internal or attic’s heat to pass through it and cool the room environment.
Apart from that, an attic fan is an automated fan that will turn on when necessary or when the temperature goes high. Also, the attic fan will help you make it a better place by passing air.
Therefore, all homes with an attic or rooftop should have an attic fan. If you don’t have one, you should buy one and install it soon.
Do townhouses have attics? Do modern houses have attics?
Townhouses don’t have attics. Most townhouses are modern and have a sophisticated design. Therefore, you will get a rooftop, recreational room, and other facilities without any attic. Another reason is the usefulness.
People now are more interested in making their houses new and good-looking. Since it’s a modern era, people feel interested in building their houses according to some trendy design where the attic doesn’t exist.
As a result, modern houses also don’t have an attic. Instead of having a loft, modern houses have a rooftop and an additional storage room. These two options can successfully replace the attic.
Very few modern houses may have an attic. Only those who have feelings for the attic build their homes and ensure the attic on their rooftop.
Why do houses have attics?
Attics have some facilities. One of the main reasons is the classic fashion and storage option. But, there are more reasons we are counting on.
The first benefit of having an attic is the storage option. You can put most of your unusable home furniture and appliances in the attic. That will also help you to decorate the interior design properly.
You can also keep your old things and other kinds of stuff that you are not using for the time being in attic space. It would be an excellent choice in every way.
Place of relaxation:
If you love to create a peaceful place in your house, it may be your attic. Though the attic is considered the storage option, you can also turn it into your dream place.
The attic room is very small in size. Therefore, you can create an excellent design for it and make it your place of relaxation. You can enjoy having a cup of coffee sitting beside the window of the attic.
Added Beauty:
The attic has a unique design. If you look at old buildings or houses, you might find the unique design. That was only possible for the attic-centric design.
People were fond of the attic; therefore, they made their houses keeping a particular place for attic space. So, if you plan to have a loft on your rooftop, you need to create a design for it. And, it will add beauty to your house.
Temperature Controlling:
One of the most crucial aspects of having an attic is temperature control. The attic will help you to control the entire lower case room temperature.
What kind of houses has attics?
Different types of houses have attics. Not all the houses have attics. So, it’s time to know if the bungalow houses, cape cod houses, and flat roof houses have attics or not.
Bungalows houses:
Bungalows houses don’t have any attics. It is designed without attics. Instead of having an attic, bungalow houses have sloped roofs.
Most bungalow houses are single-store, where you won’t find any useful rooftop. In contrast, if you look at a two-story bungalow house, you will find a sloped rooftop.
Cape cod houses:
The cape cod houses have ceilings that could be attics. It is slightly sloped and can be treated as cape cod houses. Moreover, it is a triangle-shaped attic that has little space.
You will find second-floor knee walls. If the Cape cod house is three-stored, you will find the attic on the third floor.
Flat roof houses:
Typically, flat roof houses don’t have an attic. Instead, they have air space. This air space will help you to even the room temperature.
Moreover, the flat roof houses have the space to make an attic. When you build your house, you can make an attic with some space.
What if a house has no attic?
If a house has no attic, it won’t be a big deal in the modern era. Basically, people love to have a particular design without an attic. They create their buildings by following creative designs.
Apart from that, when a house doesn’t have an attic, it must have air space or a rooftop. That will also work as the attic in some particular cases. Again, that space will help to make the best temperature and flow the air.
Additionally, when a house doesn’t have an attic, it needs an extra storage room. This room will play the role of the attic. Therefore, you will not feel any reason to have an attic on your rooftop.
How to tell if your house has an attic?
Since most houses don’t have an attic, it becomes difficult to tell if your house has an attic. But, if you follow our tips, you will surely find out whether your house has an attic or not.
Rooftop Checking:
You should check the rooftop to tell if your house has an attic. Mostly, the attic is on the rooftop corner beside the staircase. If you have a small room, it might be the attic.
House Design:
When a house is designed with an attic, it will look triangle-shaped. This shape will help you to tell that your home has an attic.
Store Room:
You should check whether your house has a storeroom on the rooftop. If you have one, you must check its purpose and design since most attics work as a storeroom.
Attic Design:
An attic has a common window that allows the air to pass and come through it. Also, you may go and check the temperature because the attic plays a key role in balancing the room temperature.
These four are the best ways to tell if your house has an attic. You can check the house rooftop and check for the attic part. However, if your home has a modern design, there is a chance of not having an attic.
Final Thoughts
Though most houses don’t have attics, you can make your house with an attic. Especially if you love to have an attic, you need to modify the house design a bit. You may change the rooftop design and make an excellent attic that will serve you the most.