Having your house full of insects may bother you and make you annoyed. In some cases, it may also make your household environment unhealthy and disturbing. There are many insects’ repellent that can be used to repel them.
In today’s article, we will discuss if cinnamon can help you to get rid of gnats.
Cinnamon to get rid of gnats:
Cinnamon is considered a natural insect repellent. In addition to that, cinnamon powder is a natural fungicide and effective material when it comes to eliminating gnats and other insects. The strong, pungent aroma of cinnamon powder and essential oil will help you to get rid of gnats easily.
If you are living in a tropical area or an area around the jungle, it may have become a common phenomenon for you to have different types of insects inside your home. Sometimes you may see them flying all over your house and sitting on food.
It will also make your household environment unhealthy and disturbing as you will always be interrupted by those flies and insects. Gnats are one of them.
That is why you can try using cinnamon essential oil. Cinnamon Essential oil has a strong, pungent aroma that the gnats cannot resist.
That is why cinnamon essential oil can be considered a natural homemade remedy to get rid of gnats. Below is a brief discussion on how can you use cinnamon for fungus gnats:
Sprinkle ground cinnamon powder:
When the insects present get out of control, you need to think about a homemade remedy or repellent that will help to get rid of those insects and flies. There are many repellents available in the market that can be used to repel flies such as gnats.
That is why you can try sprinkling ground cinnamon powder on the soil to get rid of gnats.
The strong fragrance of ground cinnamon powder will help them to fly away and never come back. In addition to that, the smell is long-lasting and consistent.
Sprinkle pieces of cinnamon:
It is very common for you to get your garden invaded by different types of insects such as gnats.
They can fly here and there in your garden and make the environment unhealthy and disturbing for other people. So, you can use solid pieces of cinnamon as a natural repellent for the gnats.
Spray cinnamon essential oil:
Cinnamon essential oil is considered one of the most effective ingredients that can be used to get rid of gnats. Cinnamon essential oil is a natural fungicide and helps to get rid of other insects with its strong aroma.
Generally, the gnats use their smelling sense for movement. As a result, they cannot resist something that has a strong aromatic fragrance.
So, you can use the cinnamon essential oil and spray them on services that are invaded by the gnats.
Mix cinnamon essential oil with other essential oils:
Generally, the gnats cannot resist something that has a strong pungent aroma. That is why you can try using cinnamon essential oil to get rid of them. The cinnamon essential oil has a strong fragrance that will drive the nights away from your area.
To make it more effective, you can make other essential oils such as eucalyptus essential oil.
Planting cinnamon plants:
If you are looking for a natural repellent that will help to drive the gnats away from your home, you can try planting cinnamon plants. The cinnamon plant is considered a permanent and effective solution to get rid of flying gnats.
The antifungal compounds present in the cinnamon plant and cinnamon will help to drive away the gnats. This will also provide you with a soothing smell throughout your garden.
How long does it take for cinnamon to get rid of gnats?
Sometimes insects such as gnats can make your living environment unhealthy and disturbing.
Why you can try using natural repellents to get rid of them. Generally, the gnats used their smelling sense for movement. That is why they cannot resist the smell of anything that has a strong fragrance.
That is why it is very easy and simple to drive away the invading gnats by using any material that has a strong-smelling compound. You can try using cinnamon to get rid of gnats.
You can simply sprinkle cinnamon powder or spray cinnamon essential oil and see the results within two days.
This is a highly effective and long-lasting solution to drive away the gnats from your home and garden. In addition to that, it will provide you with a beautiful fragrance as well.
Can you put cinnamon on houseplants?
Sometimes insects can make your living environment disturbing and annoying. In that case, you can try using cinnamon to get rid of them.
Generally, gnats are a type of insect that can cause you a lot of trouble. If you’re looking for a natural and homemade repellent that drives the gnats away from your home, you can try using cinnamon.
Cinnamon can be applied to get rid of gnats in many ways. So, you can try using ground cinnamon powder and sprinkle them on the ground.
In addition to that, you can put cinnamon on houseplants. The strong pungent aroma of cinnamon will drive away the gnats effectively.
Where are the gnats coming from in my house?
Different types of insects can cause you a lot of trouble and make you feel bothered. In addition to that, the insects flying here and there in your house can make your household environment unhealthy and annoying.
That is why you can try using repellents to drive them away or get rid of them. However, there are many repellents available in the markets that you can use to get rid of insects, such as gnats.
Below is a brief discussion on where the gnats can come inside your house:
Overflowing garbage cans:
One of the common places for the gnats to live is the overflowing garbage cans, which contain food spillage and waste. If the garbage cans are not covered properly, they can fly from there and come inside your home.
Sink drains:
If you’re having trouble with the gnats flying all over your kitchen and you may be wondering where these gnats can come from, they are coming from the sink drains of your kitchen.
It is a very common place for them to live as the sink drains can provide food, water, shelter, and breeding sites.
3 tips to get rid of fungus gnats in the house:
Having different insects inside of your house can make you feel bothered and irritated. In addition to that, it will make your living environment unhealthy and annoying.
Gnats are one of the most disturbing insects that are commonly seen in garden areas as well as inside the house.
Generally, they come from unsealed produce and food spillage or overflowing garbage cans. In addition to that, sometimes they may live inside the sink drains of your kitchen where the food residue they can collect to live and breed.
That is why you need to get rid of fungus gnats in your house. You can try applying some natural and homemade remedies to get rid of gnats. However, there are some tips that you can follow to get rid of gnats and drive them away:
Hydrogen peroxide:
Urgent peroxide is considered one of the most efficient and convenient ways to eliminate the fungus gnats. Generally, the standard 3% topical variety of hydrogen peroxide is enough to eliminate them and drive them away.
You can mix one part of hydrogen peroxide with four parts of water and then pour it through the soil to the root and make sure it overflows the mixture. This will be an effective option to drive the gnats away.
One of the most classic homemade repellents to drive away the fungus gnats is traps made using cider, vinegar, and soap. To make the trap, you can take a shallow dish with or a small sauce serving bowl.
Now put some apple cider vinegar and water. Mix the mixture well. This will help to serve as bait. Now add a few drops of liquid dish soap into the mixture and stir lightly. Place the bowl beside a house plant.
Apply smelling compounds on the ground:
One of the best solutions to get rid of fungus gnats is to apply smelling compounds on the ground.
Generally, the gnats cannot resist the smell of any material that has a strong fragrance and aroma. That is why you can try using cinnamon powder or cinnamon essential oil and sprinkle them on the ground.
Final Thoughts
Many insects can invade your house and make your household environment uncomfortable and annoying to live in. Gnats are a type of insect that can disturb you. That is why you can try using cinnamon to get rid of gnats. The strong, pungent aroma of cinnamon will drive them away easily.