Drains often emit smells, which can be unpleasant and even embarrassing. There can be a ton of reasons behind the smell in the shower drain, but as wet areas attract bacterias a lot, it can be a prime reason behind the smelling issue.
However, bear with us and find the reason behind the musty smell in shower drain and its solutions.
Musty smell in shower drain
Well-maintained shower drains don’t smell. The musty odor indicates a drainage problem. Drain blockages are black mold and mildew’s favorite breeding ground. Proper cleaning should be done often to prevent mold and mildew regrowth. The problem can be the drain hole or the entire infected system.
The following factors are reasons for the musty odor:
Restrictive or blocked drains:
Blocked drains or Clogs are a common problem, so if you notice an odor coming from your shower drain, you should always consider this possibility.
If you notice that your shower drains slowly or not at all, this strongly suggests that you have a clog in the drain. Clogs can cause unpleasant odors because they trap grime and prevent your water from draining properly.
A shower drain that is clogged or blocked provides the perfect conditions for the development of mold and mildew spores.
Therefore, the residue from the soap and the continuous moisture in the bathroom are both contributing factors in the production of this odor.
In the event that the mold and mildew are not removed promptly, it is likely that it will quickly spread to other areas of the bathroom.
Biofilm buildup:
A biofilm is a material formed by a dynamic colony of bacteria and bacterial waste. This bacterium is held together by a slimy glue-like element that clings to surfaces such as river rocks, birdbaths, showers, and more.
In between brushes, you could even develop a layer of biofilm on your teeth known as plaque.
Because there are nearly infinite types of bacteria, there may be a variety of biofilms in the shower.
Pink mold, a common type that frequently finds its way into showers, is not actually a mold; it is a biofilm containing the bacteria Serratia marcescens, abbreviated to S. marcescens. The color of this biofilm is pinkish or orange.
Biofilm can be harmful to your health, contributing to the spread of Salmonella, E. coli, MRSA, and other pathogens, which is why removing it isn’t just about the odor.
Clean or Unclean P-Trap:
The P-trap is a U-shaped section of pipe that connects to your main stack before dipping down below the rest of your shower drain line. P-traps should also be visible if you look under your bathroom or kitchen sink.
The P-trap in your shower, on the other hand, will be hidden unless you can access it from the basement.
If you run the water frequently and still smell sewage coming from your drain, there could be a problem with your P-trap that requires an inspection by a plumbing professional to determine whether it needs to be refitted or replaced.
It’s also possible that your vent stack is broken or blocked, creating a vacuum that drains your P-trap.
A dry or dirty P-trap is another potential cause of odors coming from your shower drain. If the drain from your shower smells like a sewer, your P-trap might not be doing its job of preventing sewer gasses from leaking into your bathroom.
Your P-trap might still be the culprit if you’re experiencing a mustier or more general odor, but in this case, it probably needs to be cleaned.
Leaky Pipes:
Odors coming from the bathroom could be the result of more serious problems that require the assistance of a professional. Pipes that are leaking water are one of these problems.
If you have leaky pipes in the walls of your bathroom or under the shower, sewer gasses, also known as hydrogen sulfide, will be able to escape. As a result, you may notice that the shower drain smells like rotten eggs or sewage.
What can I pour down to eliminate the musty smell in the shower drain?
You can pour down various elements to get rid of the musty smell in the shower drain –
Pour Boiling Water:
Pouring boiling water down the shower and sink drains dissolves the grease and soap clogging the pipes. However, if the shower drain is severely clogged with a large amount of matted hair, this solution may not be sufficient.
However, even with significant buildup and matted hair, pouring boiling water down the drain will help to clear the blockage partially and will be effective when combined with other shower drain unclogging techniques.
Pour baking soda, vinegar, and boiling water:
Wait several minutes after pouring baking soda down the drain. Next, pour in vinegar. See if the obstruction is dissolved after many hours.
Boiling water cleans drains. Baking soda deodorizes the drain while white vinegar dissolves deposits and eliminates mildew. This recipe can be used to clean a bathroom, kitchen, or laundry room sink drain.
Spray vinegar and baking soda to erase stains and brighten the bathroom. This mixture also eliminates basement sewer odors. Use it to clean floors or walls.
Pour chemicals:
You may need to pour in a drain cleaner or bleach. Most supermarkets and hardware stores sell drain cleaners. Carefully follow instructions on the product. Chemical drain cleaners can harm pipes with extended usage so care must be maintained.
How do I get rid of a musty smell in my shower drain?
The following steps will surely help you out to get rid of a musty smell in my shower drain –
Drain Cleaning by Hand:
Clean the drain cover of hair and soap scum accumulation after each shower. Take out as much of this debris from the drain as you can.
Check the drains for any signs of mold growth:
To treat your drains and prevent mold growth as well as musty odors coming from the shower drain, make a solution with an equal amount of baking soda and water by mixing together one cup of each.
Scrub the drain with the solution with an old toothbrush, and then pour it down the drain.
Pour one cup of white vinegar down the drain. Put a cover over the drain and let the solution bubble and soak for an effective way to eliminate mold and other bacteria that cause unpleasant odors.
After around ten minutes, you should flush the system with hot water.
Repair the Dry P-Trap:
Odors are frequently the result when a P-trap is allowed to become dry. Look down your drain – do you see water? If this is not the case, the p-trap is dry. To clear the drain, pour up to two glasses of water down it. Wait for one hour.
Check the drain to check if there is any water left in it. In addition, add four ounces of mineral oil to the water in the shower to avoid water loss due to evaporation if it is not used frequently.
Vents in the Plumbing That Are Blocked:
It’s possible that plumbing vents on the roof can become blocked by snow and ice when temperatures are drastically low, which will result in sewage smells backing up into your shower drain. Remove the snow and ice from the roof so that it is safe to walk on.
If plumbing vents have become blocked by ice, you should look for the vent in the attic of the house and then point a hairdryer at the roof exit of the vent to melt the ice.
How to prevent a musty smell in the shower drain?
If you stay cautious then it’s pretty easy to prevent a musty smell in the shower drain. Let’s go through the tips below and find out –
Make it a routine:
Add cleaning your shower drain to your bathroom cleaning routine — at least once a week for a shower used by multiple people on a daily basis. Regular maintenance can help prevent clogs and odors from accumulating over time.
Though you cannot see the problem developing beneath the surface, you can assist in preventing it in a matter of seconds.
Keep it simple:
You can make a solution by combining common items found in households, such as vinegar and baking soda, with hot water. After that, a scrub brush should be used to assist in the removal of surface buildup.
If you use this method, it will take less time to get a shower that doesn’t smell bad because it will focus on cleaning the toughest parts of your dirty drain.
Avoid old ways of doing things:
Pouring boiling water down a smelly drain is a common way to clean it. But this can make things worse instead of better. Most modern homes with plumbing are built with PVC pipes instead of metal pipes, which can be broken by boiling water.
Final Thoughts
Mold is certainly present if the shower drain emits a musty odor. Mold emits noxious fumes that have a sour, pungent odor. Due to the amount of water and dirt that flow through the pipes the shower drains are susceptible to mold growth. If the causes are known, then the problem can be easily fixed.