Springtail, these small jumpy bugs can create absolute havoc in your bedroom as they will jump onto your bed when the weather is hotter with a low humidity level.
So it must be an obvious query of yours or anyone else to know about the methods concerning how to get rid of springtails in the bedroom.
Therefore, let’s not spend any more moments here and directly find out the solutions to this headache created by springtails.
Springtail Bugs In Bed: How To Get Rid Of Them In The Bedroom?
To eliminate springtails from the bed, wash bedsheets, covers, and beddings with foamy warm water. Then air-dry and iron them to dry fully and extract out any left moisture. Also, clean under the bed, aerate the entire bedroom to lessen humidity level, and always change damp mats/carpets.
As springtail bugs can make you face real disturbance, it’s really necessary to terminate them from the roots. Therefore, tips to exterminate springtails from your bed have been added in this section along with tips to remove springtails from your entire bedroom naturally.
Wash All Type Of Beddings:
Remove your infested bed sheets, beddings such as duvets, blankets, and bedding/pillow coverings with warm foamy water to exterminate springtails and eggs. Then add 10 ml of white vinegar in water and give them a final rinsing.
If you are washing in a machine then repeat the one-turn rinsing function to make sure that no eggs, larvae, or bugs are left in your beddings, bedsheets, and covers.
Aerate The Bedroom:
Increase the air circulation of your bedroom by keeping the windows open in the daytime and turning on the air conditioner at nighttime so that the humidity level reduces. It will keep your bedroom and beddings dry which alone can deter springtails from your bed.
Clean Under Your Bed:
You must clean underneath your bed because accumulated dirt and other lifeless insects create a suitable habitat for these springtail bugs.
So along with cleaning beddings, mop the floor underneath the bed with hot soapy water then mop again with white vinegar and warm water solution.
Vacuum, Wash, And Aerate Mats And Carpets:
Once every week or every two weeks vacuum your bedroom’s mats and carpets to remove any dirt and dust. If they are too dirty, wash them and aerate them. Then apply some white vinegar or any springtail repellents on them.
Tips To Get Rid of Springtails Naturally In Bedroom
Use Cider Vinegar:
Wipe down any springtail infected area with cider vinegar, it will instantly terminate them by burning them with acidic contents.
Diatomaceous Earth:
Diatomaceous earth is another natural product that can help you eliminating springtails by removing the waxy outside layering that springtails utilize to preserve moisture.
Essential Oils:
Essential oils such as neem oil, cedar oil, eucalyptus oil, clove oil, and thyme effectively and naturally terminate springtails. Clove oil is the most effective one if you mix it with other essential oils.
What Terminates Springtails Instantly?
There are both commercial products and homemade solutions that can terminate springtails instantly.
The most effective commercial springtail repellers include GoldenTech brand’s Sevin Insect Repeller Granules, Onslaught Microencapsulated Insecticide, Transport Micron Insecticide, Cyonara 9.7 Insecticide Concentrate, Talstar P Professional Insecticide, Cy-Kick CS, and PT Phantom II Pressurized Insecticide.
If you don’t want to spend on buying commercial springtail repellers, you can use products that are already available in your home and that include vinegar, detergent and water solution, or bleach to terminate springtails instantly.
Why Are There Springtails In My Bed?
Seeing sudden hopes of springtails in your bed can leave you in a concussion that you surely will think about why these notorious jumpy bugs are in your bed, especially if you are newly introduced to springtails.
So this section has been compromised with the main reasons to explain the reasons behind springtails living in your bed.
Damp Beddings:
Springtails highly require dampness to stay hydrated and thrive well. If your bedsheets, quilts, duvets, or blankets are damp because they haven’t dried properly after washing, they will attract springtails to live on your bed.
Because damp beddings can effortlessly build up excess moisture which is sufficient for springtail bugs to survive.
Bedroom Plants:
If you have potted plants in your bedroom, it can be another main host to welcome a large number of springtails in your bedroom which soon will spread in your bed.
House plants are a great source of foods and good habitats for these bouncing bugs as the leaves provide springtails organic foods that they need to grow. And feeding on such organic foods, springtails multiply at twice the speed and make their new habitats in your damp beddings.
Moldy Bed Sheets:
The constant damped beddings of yours can soon cause molds in your bedsheets, especially if you are not changing them regularly.
And know that mold is a main food source for springtails that surely will lure these jumpy bugs to infest your bed as springtails are getting both a food source and damp place to live.
If you sweat or someone else in your home sweats very while sleeping, it makes the bedding damp thus creating a habitat for springtails.
High build-up of sweat on bedsheets and bed covers evolve in humidity and warmth, and they are opaque from the inside too which makes a great residence for springtails to increase breeding by tucking them in your bedsheets.
Bedroom Washroom:
If your bedroom’s washroom is constantly wet due to any water leakage or poorly sealed bathtub, basin, or toilet, this stagnant water can entice springtails and the bathroom drain becomes their residence.
Thereby, very soon springtails increase in a huge number and spread their presence in the entire bedroom including your bed and beddings.
Where Do Springtails Come From? How Do They Get In The House?
Springtails mainly come from wild nature. They thrive on damp soil and sand, underneath moist bark and stones, dark and dirty caves, also in ant and termites’ habitats.
The easiest way for springtails to get into your house is through the broken or leaky bathroom pipes and potted houseplants. As houseplants have moist soil and leakage pipes keep the washroom moist, and both of them provide a good habitat for springtails.
Also, through the cracks in the home’s foundation, window screens, and under doors and windows, springtails can get into your home.
How And Where Do You Find A Springtail Nest?
Therefore, the most possible places where springtails can make their nests have been pointed out in this section to help you in finding springtail nests.
Damped Basement and Garages:
Springtails are real seekers of damped, dirty, and dark places such as your basement and garage if these places are damped, dark, and dirty because they need humidity, fungi, and darkness to thrive in their best position. So, you can discover springtail nests there.
Leaked And Constant Wet Bathroom and Kitchen Faucet Pipes:
Leaking pipes of bathroom and kitchen faucets constantly keep the bathroom and areas near the kitchen faucet wet which makes the area humid.
So springtails get a good place inside the bathroom drain, cracked walls, and underneath kitchen floors to make their nests as they get humidity, molds, and mildews.
Potted Plants:
If you have potted plants in your home, be sure that you will find springtail nests in the moist soil because they feed on the plants. Especially if the soil is mixed with compost as compost provides a good source of organic matter to the springtails.
Under Patio Slabs:
Underneath the patio slabs around your home makes another potential springtail nest. Because patio slabs can get cracked, worn and torn, therefore, water can peep through the cracks/wears and tears.
As a result, stored water between the cracks over time can grow mildew and molds underneath which becomes a source of food and habitats for springtails, so they can make the best there.
Under Logs and Wood Decks:
In your garden or home, if you have wooden decks and damp wood logs, you can find springtail nests there. And they can crawl to your home through under windows and doors, or cracked walls.
Do Springtails Bite? Are They Harmful?
Springtails don’t bite humans or pets, neither do they sting. Rather these tiny springtails live on deteriorating plant roots, fungi, and molds.
Also, springtails are absolutely harmless to pets and humans. They do not spread any kind of diseases, bacteria, and germs, neither they damage any household items or houses.
So, rest assured that you or any pets of yours will not be harmed and bitten by these tiny springtails. And your property will remain secure too.
Final Thoughts
To get rid of springtails in bed, all the beddings should be washed, dried and ironed well to remove any moisture. Moreover, the air circulation in the bedroom should be increased, bedroom mats and carpets should be kept clean, and any water leakages in bathroom pipes should be repaired.