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Why Is My Faucet Water Cloudy & Bubbly? (Answered)

When you turn on your faucet, the water that comes out is usually clear and fresh. But sometimes, it can turn cloudy and bubbly.

This is often harmless, but it can be annoying and unsightly to some people. If this is something you are concerned about, we can provide the right information.

4 Reasons Why Faucet Water Cloudy & Bubbly

There are several reasons why faucet water becomes cloudy as well as bubbly. Some of the most common reasons are contamination, high mineral content, aeration, and hard water. The cause of murky water varies depending on where you live and the source of your water.

However, not all of the reasons are fatal, but they can be a gross experience for many.


Impurification in water occurs when a foreign element, such as a microorganism, animal fecal material, or another particulate material, is introduced into the water supply.

Tap water may originate from either groundwater or surface water. Groundwater-derived water often has higher levels of total dissolved solids (TDS), as well as higher levels of inorganic chemicals, such as metals, than surface-water-derived water.

Faucet water can become contaminated by small particles of some minerals in the water. This can be introduced by the water source itself or by human causes.

Note that such contaminated water can be dangerous to consume. So, do check if there is any contamination present and take necessary measures as soon as possible.

High Mineral Content:

The water that comes out of your faucet is usually pretty good quality, with low levels of impurities and bacteria. But sometimes, it can taste weird and also look cloudy and bubbly.

When this happens, it might be because of high levels of minerals in your water, which are common in some areas. High levels of minerals in your water can also cause scale build up in pipes that are not properly insulated, which can lead to further problems.

The presence of small particles of iron, manganese, and calcium in the water is one of the factors that can cause water with high mineral content to look bubbly. Depending on the level of mineral content in the water, it can or cannot be safe to drink.

However, more research needs to be done on the topic before any conclusion is reached.


The process of aeration occurs when there is a pressure change in the water supply. This causes air particles to be trapped in the pipes. Another reason why aeration takes place is if the pipes have been damaged.

As a result, excess air can be trapped in the lines, causing bubbling and cloudiness. If aeration was not present in water, it would look like a clear cup of water.

When small bubbles collide, they bounce off the surface and form a cloud that obscures the view of the water. Much like a light fog, the cloud of small bubbles is enough to disturb the colors of the water and cause it to have a cloudy appearance.

As this happens, the oxygen in the water is increased and the oxygen-poor water is replaced. If you notice aeration to be present in the water, rest assured that it is still safe to drink.

Hard Water:

Being a natural occurrence in tap water, hard water is caused when calcium and magnesium ions combine with the hydrogen ions present. 

The result is cloudy water with a high concentration of ions, which can leave deposits on surfaces and in pipes and cause a reduction in the quality of water. Most of these particles are too small to see with the bare eye, so they go unnoticed.

As calcium and magnesium builds up in your water, they block the water channel and cause it to slow or stop flowing. This slows the flow of other water, leaving it cloudy or even tasting like salt.

Such an occurrence eventually causes the water to turn into a thick, cloudy product rather than clear, fresh-tasting tap water.

Is It Safe to Drink Cloudy Tap Water?

The tap water flowing from your faucet may sometimes not seem like the cleanest thing in the world, but it’s typically safe to drink. When water comes out of your faucet, it goes through a series of pipes and filters before it reaches your glass.

In most cases, the water coming out of your faucet is clear and clean enough to drink. But at times, your water may look a bit cloudy or bubbly.

As mentioned before, there are a few reasons why this cloudiness occurs. However, it is still safe for consumption as long as it doesn’t smell or taste off.

Bad smell and taste indicates heavy contamination, either due to toxic minerals or human feces. That’s when you should take your cloudy water seriously and seek help. Otherwise, it should be fairly safe to drink cloudy tap water.

How Do I Fix Cloudy And Bubbly Sink Water?

If you’ve noticed your tap water has a slight haze or a layer of creaminess lately, you’re not alone. The problem is usually with your pipes, not your faucet.

Let Your Water Run:

The easiest way to fix cloudy and bubbly water is to just let it run. You might want to do this every time you turn it on. Keep the water flowing for a few seconds, or until you see the cloudiness dissipate.

When you let the faucet run long enough, the water should be able to clear up any impurities. This ought to make it crystal clear again.

However, if the issue still persists, it might be a more complex issue than just loose sediments. Call for a professional who can thoroughly inspect the faucet and pipe lines.

You can also try out a DIY method to clean out the faucets and attached aerators. For this, combine equal ratios of water to vinegar (50% of each). Rinse the faucet and repeat, and let the water run after every try.

Check The Pipes:

If your tap water has a bubbly look and feel, it may be due to pipes that are clogged with sediment and other impurities. At times, you may notice a slight yellowish color to your water, which may indicate that your pipes are particularly dirty.

Even minor pipe blockage can lead to dirty-tasting and smelling water. You can either inspect the pipes on your own, if you have prior experience. Or, just call professional help and they can clear out the pipes instead.


The process of decontaminating faucet water involves the destruction of pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria, viruses, other microbes, and other organic materials. The decontaminant may be a powerful disinfectant such as a chlorine-based compound.

On the other hand, it may also be a less potent non-disinfectant which simply removes the organic matter. This is a complex process for which you will need expert assistance, so it’s better to call a plumber.

How Do You Tell If Your Water Is Contaminated?

The following points should be obvious indicators when determining if your tap water is contaminated or not.

Smells Off:

Clear and clean water will never have any strong smell to it. If your tap water smells like urine, or sweat, know that it may be caused by ammonia in the pipelines. Sulfuric odor, which smells like rotten eggs, can be caused by excessive content of magnesium.

On the other hand, strong sour odors can indicate that the water contains too much iron in it. As a result, the high levels of iron can also cause the water to take on a slightly brown shade.

Tastes Funky:

Tap water isn’t supposed to taste sour, or even bitter. Experiencing any kind of weird, rotten egg-like, or even salty taste can be caused by contaminants in the water. Usually these contaminants are bacteria and other harmful elements.

If the water tastes anything other than fresh water, it might be heavily contaminated and should be checked immediately.

Looks Murky:

Although there are other, less fatal reasons for tap water to look murky, foreign particles and harmful minerals can also be a cause. Check your water for floating particles before drinking.

Tap water typically has several impurities in it: minerals, dirt, microorganisms, and other particles, including human feces.

If you want to get rid of this, the best thing you can do is add a filtration system to your water supply, such as a water purification system or a reverse osmosis system.

Final Thoughts

Faucet water can usually turn cloudy and bubbly due to increased aeration, contamination, or even high mineral levels. Hard water is common in many areas too, which can also cause murky water. Thorough inspection of the pipelines and faucet can prevent cloudiness or haze in water and clear it again.