Are you thinking of using vaseline as a moistening agent? However, are you not sure whether or not vaseline can be used instead of dielectric grease? Are you also wondering what can be the difference between vaseline and dielectric grease?
Can vaseline be used instead of dielectric grease?
Vaseline can be used instead of dielectric grease because it can provide a similar function for sealing, lubricating, and so on. However, vaseline does not have the protective quality or high melting point of dielectric grease which makes it unable to fit in the exact usage of dielectric grease.
It is really important to know whether or not vaseline and dielectric grease can be used interchangeably so that you can make your decision wisely and accurately.
Lubricant or Sealant:
One of the biggest reasons why vaseline can be used instead of dielectric grease to some extent is related to the usage of vaseline as a lubricant or sealant.
Vaseline thus also works as a protectant or sealant and makes sure that electrical components are operating seamlessly and also makes sure of the longevity of electrical parts, gear shaft, wirings, and so on.
Corrosion Resistant:
Another reason why vaseline can be used instead of dielectric grease is due to the fact that vaseline can effectively provide the corrosion-resistant ability of dielectric grease.
Accordingly, if you apply vaseline onto metal, iron tools, or on wirings, vaseline will help to keep the rust off of these.
This happens basically because vaseline adds a protective layer on top of the metal or iron surfaces and thus doesn’t let any oxygen come through which eventually leads to a corrosion-free position.
Water Resistant:
Vaseline is known for its water-resistant properties and such is the case for dielectric grease as well which is why dielectric grease’s water-resistant ability can be replaced by vaseline to protect electrical components, wiring, and connectors from moisture.
What are vaseline and dielectric grease made of?
Before the application of both vaseline and dielectric grease, you need to be aware of the materials that go into making these products. Therefore, being knowledgeable about such distinctions can help you come to your decisions quickly and effectively.
Vaseline is basically a byproduct of petroleum. It has a jelly-like or semi-solid consistency which is basically the crude oil that usually forms or builds up on oil rigs.
In addition, vaseline is a mixture of hydrocarbons which is also odorless in nature. Nevertheless, petroleum Jelly or vaseline is used as a great moistening agent or sealant.
Accordingly, this makes petroleum Jelly or vaseline very appropriate for usage in both industrial areas and at home.
Dielectric Grease:
Dielectric grease is basically made out of a mixture of silicon base or silicon oil which is polydimethylsiloxane and thickener which is basically fumed silica.
In addition, this waterproof moistening agent has a grayish color to it and it is perfect to be used as a protective sealant or as a lubricating agent.
Moreover, dielectric grease has diverse uses including its usage in bulb sockets, battery terminals, general plastic, and so on.
Is Vaseline electrically conductive?
Vaseline is definitely electrically conductive meaning vaseline allows free-flowing of electricity, unlike dielectric grease which is an insulator and doesn’t allow electricity to pass.
In addition, because vaseline is electrically conductive, it tends to burn when it comes in contact with heat or current.
Moreover, this electrical conductivity nature of vaseline helps to reduce corrosion and this is why vaseline is also appropriate to be used on battery terminals and connectors which helps prevent voltage from slipping away.
Is vaseline a good dielectric grease?
Although vaseline is not really a dielectric grease but vaseline shares a lot of characteristics with dielectric grease which makes vaseline technically a dielectric grease or a substitute for dielectric grease.
Although vaseline petroleum jelly can be used as a substitute for dielectric grease, it does not mean that vaseline altogether will give all of the benefits of dielectric grease.
In addition, dielectric grease is basically used as an insulator, protector, moistening agent, and so on and these purposes can be pursued by the usage of vaseline as well to some extent.
This is because vaseline also works as an insulator, lubricating agent, protector, sealant, and so on. However, the usage of vaseline in the place of dielectric grease should be temporary.
Accordingly, vaseline cannot provide the exact melting point that is obtained by dielectric grease as vaseline petroleum jelly only has a low melting point which means it cannot be used in high-temperature areas, unlike dielectric grease.
In addition, vaseline cannot also provide the preservative power that dielectric grease has as dielectric grease can last a longer time than vaseline.
Moreover, it is dielectric grease that helps with water damage, heat damage, electrical overheating, material bonding, and it also helps to prevent voltage leakage.
However, when it comes to vaseline, vaseline is not an exact match for dielectric grease because it cannot provide the above-mentioned purposes effectively like a dielectric grease.
Is vaseline petroleum jelly the same as dielectric grease?
Vaseline petroleum Jelly is not the same as dielectric grease. This is because dielectric grease is corrosion-resistant grease that is used only to protect or seal wirings or equipment.
In addition, it is the job of dielectric grease to get rid of all the moisture, dirt, sand, and so on from the industrial equipment and dielectric grease is only used for industrial usage, not for home usage.
However, when it comes to petroleum Jelly, it is different from dielectric grease because it is used in both household activities and industrial areas.
Moreover, vaseline is also not the same as dielectric grease because of the preservation strength between the two.
Accordingly, dielectric grease possesses more preservation strength than vaseline. Vaseline is also different in terms of its melting point compared to the dielectric grease.
Dielectric grease has a higher melting point which means it can be used under high-temperature but this is not true for vaseline because it has a low melting point and can’t be used in high-temperature areas.
Another difference between dielectric grease and vaseline petroleum jelly that is responsible for making vaseline not the same as dielectric grease is that vaseline is electrically conductive but dielectric grease is not.
However, there is one thing that makes vaseline almost the same as dielectric grease and it is related to the purpose of working as a lubricating agent. The purpose of both dielectric grease and vaseline is to provide seamless operation.
What is the difference between dielectric grease and vaseline?
There are some significant differences between dielectric grease and vaseline therefore being knowledgeable about such differences can help you to avoid any confusion.
The first difference between dielectric grease and vaseline is related to their usage.
Accordingly, it is dielectric grease that seems to prevent leakage, dirt, overheating, chemical reaction, heat damage, water damage, and so on and it basically works as a sealant or protecting agent for electrical components.
However, in the case of vaseline, it has limited usage as its industrial usage can only be limited to being used as a moistening agent that helps in preventing corrosion.
Strength of Preservation:
When it comes to preservation strength, both vaseline and dielectric grease are very much different from each other.
Accordingly, dielectric grease is equipped with a high melting point which enables it to be used in industrial areas effectively as it also leads to better perseverance.
In addition, due to these reasons, dielectric grease is safe to be used in high voltage areas and drastic temperatures.
Dielectric grease is also the best when it comes to protecting electrical parts, metals, or iron parts from corrosion which is not the case for vaseline because it doesn’t have a high level of corrosion protection agents in it.
In addition, vaseline is also different from dielectric grease because vaseline has a low melting point which means it cannot be used in high voltage areas or in drastic temperatures thus it has low preservation strength.
Electric Conductivity:
Dielectric grease is different from vaseline because dielectric grease isn’t really electrically conductive whereas vaseline is a good conductor of electricity.
Accordingly, good electrical conduction of vaseline helps it to be used in different iron equipment or battery terminals effectively.
When it comes to dielectric grease, it is the far opposite because it is an insulator that does not conduct electricity like vaseline.
When it comes to the cost of both dielectric grease and vaseline, these two are again dissimilar. Accordingly, it is dielectric grease that is more expensive than vaseline.
Final thoughts:
Nothing can beat the effectiveness of vaseline as it can be used in industrial areas given the fact that it is very cheap and more common than dielectric grease, however vaseline can’t provide the exact functions of dielectric grease as dielectric grease has diverse usage and preservation power.