Can You Use an Orbital Sander on Drywall? (Quick Answers)

An orbital sander is a very handy tool. You can use it to sand a smooth wall to suit your needs. But can you use an orbital sander on drywall? How can you use it? These are some of the most common concerns associated with this tool.

In this article, we will walk you through the various aspects associated with using an orbital sander. So without further ado, let’s find out whether you can use an orbital sander on drywall.

Can you use an orbital sander on drywall?

Yes, you can use an orbital sander on drywall. But you will have to be careful while using it because the tool can quickly damage the drywall. It is great for sanding patches or rough areas, and resanding a wall. This tool is great for both small and large projects.

Why use an orbital sander on drywall?

There are many reasons to use an orbital sander on drywall. Here are some of the top reasons why you will need to use an orbital sander on drywall:

To achieve the perfect finish:

The orbital sander is designed to smooth out the surface of drywalls. Working with an orbital sander is essential because it will help you achieve the perfect finish for your drywall so that you can proceed with further decor jobs.

The orbital sander will allow you to achieve a smooth and consistent drywall surface.  This is essential, especially if you’re going to paint the wall or decorate it.

This tool works best when it is used in the drywall in small projects. The tool is preferred in small rooms and single walls.

Ultra-smooth sanding:

The orbital sander is used for ultra-smooth sanding. You will be able to sand a freshly constructed drywall with an orbital sander.

And the sander is constructed to give you an ultra-smooth finish so that you can go on to paint it and achieve the perfect texture. It will also provide you with headlight transparency.

It is a very handy tool and can be used for various purposes. It has a round abrasive sandpaper that is designed to smoothen out rough surfaces. Besides drywall, you can also use this tool on concrete, wood, metal, or even plastic.

How do you sand drywall with an orbital sander?

To achieve a nice and smooth finish on your drywall, you will need to learn how to sand drywall with an orbital sander. Here’s how you can proceed with it:

Prepare the room:

You will need to be well aware of the effects of the orbital sander in the room. The sander will create dust, so you will need to create a good enough ventilation system in the room. But make sure that too much light and air cannot enter the room.

So it is best to sand small walls and closed rooms with an orbital sander. The tool will offer the best results when you’re working in a small space. So choose a room accordingly and begin to work.

In addition, you will need to apply joint compounds where necessary. You will then need to smooth out the wall and apply another coat of joint compound. This will prepare the wall for sanding.

But if you’re in a rush, you can simply apply a very thick coat of joint compound and it will prepare the wall for sanding.

Prepare the sander:

Now you will need to take the orbital sander and sanding paper. You will need to choose the right gritting paper for the wall. Set up the sander and then you can begin working. Wear protective gear to save yourself from exposure to dust.

Start working with the sander:

Now start operating the sander on the wall. Make sure to move in a circular motion in order to prevent any patches. You might have some spots that you cannot reach around the edges. Use hand sanders in such spots.

How do I get a smooth finish on drywall with an orbital sander?

The orbital sander is a very helpful tool in your attempt to achieve a smooth finish on drywall. It is a very suitable tool for small spaces and small walls in particular as you can smooth out these walls perfectly with this tool. The orbital sander is also great for large projects.

You will get a smooth finish on drywall by using an orbital sander. Make sure to apply compound joints on the drywall, especially in the spots that have a rough patch or uneven surfaces.

Smooth out the surface and apply another coat of compound joints. Continue the process until the drywall has a thick coat of compound joints. Then you can begin running the sander on the wall. Move-in circular motion to achieve a perfectly smooth finish.

There will still be some spots that the orbital sander cannot reach. You will have to reach those spots with a hand sander. In fact, professionals use hand sanders to carry out entire sanding jobs because it gives them satisfying results in a shorter time. 

So you can use hand sanders after orbital sanders in order to get a smooth finish on drywall.

What kind of sander do you use for drywall?

There is a handful of sanders that you can use for drywall. Here are some of the most common sanders that you can use to smooth drywall:

Hand sander:

A hand sander is among the best tools to smooth out the drywall. It is commonly used by professionals to achieve the best results in the shortest possible time.

Hand sanders will offer you great flexibility. You will be able to control the entire process and have great control over sanding your drywall.

You will be using standard sanding paper for this process. Make sure to move at a slower pace, because it has several advantages. You will minimize the risk of causing dips and patches in the wall.

Orbital sanders:

There are different types of sanders, including orbital sanders and random orbital sanders. While they function in almost the same way, there are some differences in their functionality and mode of operation.

Orbital sanders are great for getting the job done in a relatively short time. But you will have to be very careful in order to avoid damaging the wall. If you’re using an orbital sander, you might want to apply a thick coat of compound in order to minimize the risk of any damage.

Wet sanding:

You can also use a sponge to carry out a wet sanding process on your drywall. The sanding sponges function well on drywalls. The sanding sponge works a lot like a hand sander and you can carry out the process in a relatively short time.

The best part about this sander is that it will not produce any dust. This dustless sanding process is very healthy for you. You will be able to create an equally attractive result without creating any mess. If that isn’t every homeowner’s dream! 

What is the fastest way to sand drywall?

If you have time constraints, you will need to learn the fastest way to sand drywall. There are several things that you can do to fasten the process when you’re under a time constraint.

Apply a thick coat of compound joint initially instead of applying multiple coats of the product. When you’re not in a rush, the general process involves applying multiple coats of compound joints and smoothening the surface in between. 

But you can simply apply a thick coat of the product and proceed with the rest of the process.

Then choose a grit paper that would be appropriate for the job and you can begin working on the wall. Move the sander in a circular motion to achieve a smooth and paintable texture on your wall. There will be some blank spots in the wall after you are done working. 

Fill up those blank spots with a hand sander and you will have done the job in half the time.

The fastest way to sand drywall is by using a hand sander. These are the sanding tools used by professionals. Hand sanders are as great in results as they are in saving time. You will be able to control and regulate every movement, covering every inch of the wall. 

It will offer you great flexibility as well.

Final Thoughts

You can use orbital sanders on drywall. It will provide you with great texture. It is an excellent tool for small spaces. Apply multiple coats of compounds for best results. Orbital sander offers an ultra-smooth texture within a very short time. It can also be used on wood, metal, and plastic.

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