Mold and mildew can almost grow anywhere and everywhere. It is not easy to control the spreading of mold and mildew. Though one might be able to remove the mold and mildew, it would be temporary. Trying both natural and artificial methods might be effective to some extent.
Following the below tips and information regarding mold and mildew and if baking soda helps to get rid of those would find you a way to prevent them.
Baking soda to get rid of mold and mildew:
Baking soda can be used to get rid of the mold and mildew. Using baking soda as spray would work for the mold and mildew and it would also be easier to apply as well. For the stubborn molds, try rubbing the parts a bit so that you can fully get rid of the mold and mildew from the surface.
Mild and mildew can grow everywhere, especially in the places where they get suitable conditions. As long as moisture exists, so does the mold and mildew. Even getting rid of the mold and mildew might not be permanent. They can always come back even when they were fully removed.
In order to prevent mold and mildew, you can use cheaper and homemade methods. There are also sprays and chemicals found which are suitable to remove the mold. If you want to spend less and get benefitted the most, you can try using baking soda to get rid of the mold and mildew.
On wood:
Woods can get molds and mildew on it especially when it remains unused for a long time. The mold can grow when the wood is kept wet for a long time and the environment is suitable for the molds. Keeping the wood dry and clean is a must to protect the wood from having molds.
Baking soda can be used on the wood to clean up the molds. Just spraying the baking soda would not work. Instead, rub it a bit. Well, you can leave the baking soda on the parts which have mold and mildew. After a few minutes when the wood absorbs the water, you can rub the molds and remove them.
In carpet:
When mold covers up the carpet, you can either buy a new carpet or treat the carpet to remove the mold and mildew. Buying a new carpet would cost way more than removing the molds. You can remove the molds by adapting easy and homemade methods.
Baking soda and a mixture of vinegar would help to get rid of the mold from the carpet. You can leave the mixture at rest on the surface of the carpet. Leave it for a night and the next day you can clean the carpet. The carpet would become like a new one without any mold.
In clothes:
Keeping the clothes wet for a long time and even not drying it properly can cause molds or mildew to occur. You should dry the clothes properly to not let the molds grow. Even ensure proper ventilation of air so that molds would not grow.
Baking powder mixed with vinegar can be of help to remove the molds. You can spray the mixture and later clean the clothes. To prevent the occurrence of molds, dry the clothes before folding them up. Keep the clothes when they are dried correctly.
In the refrigerator:
Molds can grow in the refrigerator. Especially on the foods which are not sealed properly. Moreover, when the foods rot and stay for a long time in the refrigerator, molds can grow on top of that. You should always put tightly sealed containers in the refrigerator.
As a result, molds would not grow in the refrigerator. Keeping a box of baking soda would also help as it would take all the moisture. But replacing foods in time and not letting them rot in the refrigerator, is the best way to prevent the growth of mold.
On walls:
Molds and mildew grow on the wall when the wall is exposed to excess moisture. Moisture is what is needed for the molds to grow. Preventing any water leakage is a way of keeping the molds from growing. Water leakage should not continue for a long time.
Moreover, you can use cleaning agents for the molds but might not be as safe as baking soda. Try spraying the baking soda on the mold and rub the place after some time. It would pull off the molds from the surface of the wall and make it free from the molds and mildew.
Baking soda for mold on plants:
Using baking soda on the plants can be a way of preventing the growth of molds. Even the molds can be removed from the infected plants. Baking soda is not harmful to plants at all. You can absolutely spray the baking soda on the plants as it would not damage the growth of the plant and neither would produce toxicity.
Spray the baking soda on the parts where molds are growing. As a result, mold would not grow and the plant would remain good. Moreover, spraying baking soda from time to time prevents fungal disease and prevents infection of the plant. You can use baking soda even if the mold has not infected the plants yet.
How long does it take for baking soda to get rid of mold?
Well, there is no exact time range in which the molds can be removed by baking soda. It can take from 10 minutes to 1 day or even more which depends on the degree of the molds present. Light molds can be removed by leaving the baking soda spray for about 10 minutes.
For the stubborn molds, you should leave the spray for 1 hour at least. Resting the baking soda spray for a day would remove the molds more effectively. It is better if you can leave the spray to rest for a night. No matter what type of mold it is, it would go away when you rub the parts after placing the baking soda on it for a time.
3 tips to get rid of mold and mildew naturally from the house:
Molds and mildew can grow on any surface which is suitable for their growth and facilitates it. Even removing the molds is not an easy task as you might not be able to remove the mold completely. Even after cleaning, it might feel a bit gross. You can follow the below tips to get rid of the molds naturally.
Use different methods:
Using different natural methods to get rid of the mold is quite effective. Different natural methods can be used to get rid of the molds. You can use vinegar, baking soda, bleaching, and essential oils to remove the molds. Spreading vinegar over the molds and rubbing it for a time would remove the molds.
Even baking soda when sprayed over the mold can remove molds. A few drops of essential oil or mixing it with water and spraying it on the mold would also prevent the mold from growing. Bleaching can also be a way of getting rid of the molds.
But it is not a wise way as bleaching can have an impact on the health of the human. Instead, use natural ways which would not harm human health.
Use a brush:
The brush can be used to scrape off the mold from the surface. Just putting sprays would not work on the mold. You need to rub the place with a brush or with anything that would pull off the mold from the place. After leaving the agents for a time, brush off the molds. It would effectively remove the molds, especially the stubborn ones.
Keep the place dry:
Dry places are not for the mold to grow. Mold needs a place where excess moisture is present. Molds would not grow in dry places. Even though you pull off the molds, it would come back if it again finds moisture. That’s why keeping the places always dry and ensuring no trace of moisture is best to prevent the growth of molds.
Final Thoughts
Overall, baking soda can work on molds and mildew to prevent their growth. It is a natural and cost-effective way of protecting anything from the damage caused by mold and mildew. Still, mold can always make a comeback. Better if you can always keep the places dry and free of moisture.